Wednesday, June 25, 2014

RELOAD---how customers see a business...

 "Make a customer, not a sale." – Katherine Barchetti

A customer walks in, a sale takes place.....Customer walks out......Customer comes back a month later..... You had better have reloaded the same energy, same appeal and deliver again.

Customer again is happy with the sale, customer walks out....New customer walks in, once again you had better have reloaded the same vibrant nature that took place with last customer....

One of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.....In that movie over and over and over the same day takes place, however it is up to him to make the day prosperous or a disaster. 

His character at first plays the pity me role, then he utilities his skills and makes the best of each day, every day. Honing in on acquiring new skills and working on his strengths.

Customers are funny, we hit them with good vibes the first time around, then the second time we may not have delivered the same cheer as the first time---we have to reload and carry out the mission again and again and again..

Have you ever gone on vacation to the same spot for the second time, and it just was not as fun as the first time? I have, then again I have been back four times and it was just as fun as the first time...

Customers are funny, for I am a customer as well.....I remember the last experience and I compare the previous encounter with the current one.

We have to reload after each customer, and deliver every single time.......Not up one day and down the next...Follow through every time.

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