Saturday, June 28, 2014

Excellent customer service creates more money.....people first, money second.

The love of money--Is that why you are in business?

 The love of customers will create loyal fans, which creates a prosperous business, which creates money.

But to be on top--include employees, staff. Both out front and behind the scenes and watch you business sore beyond your dreams.

I witnessed today at work  an employee driven by money, which the customer noticed. Which created a uncomfortable situation for the customer--then I had to explain to the new employee what transpired. Which then created an uncomfortable employee. The customer is a LOYAL customer who was taken back by the interaction, she was fine and understood through my speaking to her. But what will happen next time when she comes in? Of course we know, she will remember her last visit. But through a  refresher with the employee and staff I clued them in on why we are successful at what we do--we put people first and not the love or greed for money.....Sometimes a bad situation can set you back a few, however being able to respond quickly actually can bring everyone back to earth and reset our core of business--PEOPLE.

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