Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 10 August 29th

It is hard too believe that the ride is in 50 days --October 20th. My dad's Birthday.
Today I headed out at 0805 and went until 1345  I was able too do 76 miles--but the bad thing was today I felt pretty tired compared to day's past--my allergies are acting up now that I am in thick of training for the ride--oh, well. It could be worst--I could have a cold.

It is fun riding out there, my first 30 I had my earplugs in and listening too music--then it said low battery, so for the next 20 miles I had nothing to listen too. So i started looking at all the scenery more in depth--a ton of stuff that I would just fly by with out even noticing--sure looks very beautiful when I was passing. Farms, old barns, cows. pigs, horses etc... I live 15 minutes north of Indianapolis and in my community I don't see too many farm animals, but 10 miles north and the country side begins too take shape. I love it, i love where I live be downtown in 15, or on a farm in 10 minutes--pretty cool place too raise a family.

I got a little sunburn today, I keep forgetting too spray early in the morning, then by afternoon my arms are as red as apples--you think my skin would be used to it by now.

My right knee and now my left knee are hurting when I un-clip from the shoes--I am just not used too the motion and I figured it out that you can un-clip by turning the foot to the right or the left--my right knee kept hurting because I was hitting the frame of the bike when I was un-clipping.

I will be posting more information on my charities here soon up on twitter, Facebook, blog and email--

MY goal is 100,000 dollars--but my big goal is too spread the word of programs that are ready to help.

Please check out my website--

Till tomorrow--keep on reading books, it will change your life--mine did.

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